About CAR 2025

Working Together: Radiology at the Heart of Care 

It’s time to get to the heart of Radiology! The Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) will be here in no time and CAR 2025 promises to be another incredible event where ideas, innovation, and inspiration unite.

The Scientific Planning Committee has carefully crafted a program that features cutting-edge research and clinical advancements in the field of diagnostic radiology. World renowned international and national speakers will be featured throughout the program. This vibrant agenda offers a mix of didactic lectures and interactive opportunities to engage with speakers, as well as two expert-led half day pre-conference workshops.  

The Neurology Workshop will deliver an in-depth overview of the current advances and best practices in stroke diagnosis and treatment through case-based learning. The Breast Workshop will provide a hands-on, immersive opportunity to learn about new techniques and recent advances in breast biopsy equipment, biopsy markers, biopsy machines, localization procedures. 

Don’t miss the chance to attend four days of high-quality educational programming and the latest advancements that are shaping the diagnostic radiology landscape. Enhance your skills and gain practical insights that can be applied directly to your practice. Reconnect with old friends and meet new colleagues at the networking sessions.

Needs Assessment

CAR 2025 was developed following a review of practice data, programme evaluation and survey data detailing the perceived and unperceived needs of members as well as through consultation with experts in the field. These data and information were also vetted and designed with the experience and expertise of the scientific planning committee. Additionally, a historical review and analysis of educational content covered in the past five ASMs was considered in developing this year’s content. Subjective data from the previous year’s evaluations were also reviewed in detail to inform the focus of this year’s program. 

Target Audience

This meeting is designed for all general and subspecialty radiologists as well as radiology residents and fellows whose work involves performing or interpreting images, determining appropriateness, and using advanced equipment and tools to help guide therapeutic decision-making and help improve clinical outcomes. 

Learning Objectives

After attending and actively participating in CAR 2025 activities, participants will be better able to:

  1. Identify and implement practical strategies to improve patient management as part of a multidisciplinary team.
    CanMEDS roles: Collaborator, Communicator, Leader, Professional
  2. Recognize, identify, and avoid common misinterpretation and blind spots in each of the following subspecialties: musculoskeletal, neuroradiology, cardiothoracic, abdominal (GI/GU), and pediatric imaging .
    CanMEDS roles: Professional, Scholar, Health Advocate
  3. Discuss the differential diagnoses of common pathologies in a selection of multimodality, multidisciplinary cases.
    CanMEDS roles: Medical Expert, Scholar, Health Advocate
  4. Adopt an evidence-based approach to common radiologic findings to enable the formulation of an appropriate differential diagnosis.
    CanMEDS roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
  5. Discuss characteristic appearances and distinguishing imaging features in each of the following subspecialties: musculoskeletal, neuroradiology, cardiothoracic, abdominal (GI/GU), and pediatric imaging.
    CanMEDS roles: Medical Expert
  6. Evaluate the use and application of advanced imaging techniques for various clinical scenarios.
    CanMEDS roles: Medical Expert
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